Title IX Complaint Resolution Processes
Sexual Misconduct
(for incidents prior to August 1, 2024)
The Community Standard Complaint Resolution Procedures: Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, or Retaliation will be followed for incidents of reported violation(s) of the Policy Against Sexual Misconduct. However, for incidents of reported dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or that may otherwise fall under the Title IX Definition of Sexual Harassment as stated in the Policy Against Sexual Misconduct, the Complaint Resolution Procedures: Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, or Retaliation will be followed with additional provisions.
Sex Discrimination
(for all sex discrimination other than sex based harassment involving students, for incidents after August 1, 2024)
See policy.
Sex Based Harassment
(for sex based harassment involving students, for incidents after August 1, 2024)
- Includes a live hearing
- See policy.