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Claire Chong

Claire Tse Chien Chong

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Global Leadership

BSc, King’s College, London
MSc, National University of Singapore
MEd, University of Western Australia


Claire Chong and her husband lived in Cambodia for 15 years, establishing self-sustaining churches and businesses. She is a research and training associate with the Singapore Centre for Global Missions, an innovation catalyst with “Christ in Theravada Worlds” of Frontier Ventures, and serves in the leadership teams of Asia 2020 & Beyond and WEA Mission Commission. Chong is also a PhD candidate with the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK, exploring the use of a Buddhist epistemological approach in studying Cambodian ritual and religion.


Published articles in International Journal of Frontier Missiology and Mission Frontiers, and contributed chapters in Sacred Moments: Reflections on Buddhist Rites and Christian Rituals (2019) and Emerging Faith: Lessons from Mission History in Asia (2020).