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David Puig Jordan

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Theology

BA, Theological Seminary of Matanzas, Cuba

ThM, Theological Seminary of Matanzas, Cuba

PhD, Hamburg University, Germany


Dr. Puig moved to Houston, Texas after he finished his doctoral studies at the University of Hamburg. Since 2014 he has been teaching different theological courses at Fuller Theological Seminary. He also teaches systematic Ethics and Theology as an adjunct faculty at the Indiana Wesley University, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and most recently in the COSS at Perkins School of Theology. Dr. Puig works as an associate minister in the Presbyterian church as well. He is married to Mary Ann and father of three children Helena, Victoria and Dante.


“Memoria subversiva: Untersuchungen zu der politischen Theologie auf Kuba im Dialog mit Johann Baptist Metz’ Theologie nach Auschwitz“, 2013 

“En memoria de las víctimas: hacia un estudio crítico de la teología protestante en Cuba desde el diálogo con la ‘Teología después de Auschwitz’ de Johann B. Metz“; 2013

“Sola Fides: The challenge of the Journey from Beliefs towards the Age of Faith”, 2019.

Currently he is working on “Parrhesia as a Political-Theological Category in the Era of Facebook” (related to his dissertation’s subject)