Martin Accad
Affiliate Associate Professor of Islamic Studies
BTh, Near East School of Theology
MPhil, University of Oxford
DPhil, University of Oxford
Martin Accad was born in Lebanon and grew up and lived there through the civil war (1975–1990). He undertook seminary studies in Beirut and then completed a master’s degree (MPhil) and a PhD (DPhil) at the University of Oxford in the UK. Dr. Accad has been back in Lebanon since 2001 and, in addition to leadership responsibilities as chief academic officer at ABTS, he is currently associate professor of Islamic studies both at ABTS and Fuller Theological Seminary where he regularly teaches intensive classes. In both locations, Accad teaches in the fields of Islam and Christian-Muslim relations. He has published many articles and a book on dialogical theology, conflict, and Christian-Muslim relations is forthcoming. As director of ABTS’s Institute of Middle East Studies in Lebanon, his life purpose is to “bring about positive transformation in thinking and practice between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East and beyond.” With a mixed Lebanese and Swiss parental heritage, Accad is at home in practically any culture and lives and works in Lebanon by choice and calling.