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Fuller Texas: How does worship change lives?

Hosted by
Fuller Seminary Texas
Vineyard Church Houston
Open to the public


On November 8, 2018 Dr. Alexis Abernethy, Fuller’s Associate Provost for Faculty Inclusion and Equity and Professor of Psychology, will host a public lecture in Houston, TX on “How Worship Changes Lives?”, exploring such questions as:

  • How does worship impact and change us?
  • How do our songs and sermons, prayers, and praises actually help us learn, grow and develop as disciples?

For years Dr. Abernethy has studied the worshipping lives of diverse congregations. Her research focuses on how our worship practices facilitate spiritual transformation and growth.

We invite you to join leaders around the Houston area as Dr. Abernethy shares the results of her research and invites us into a larger conversation about how we can design and lead worshipping communities toward deeper spiritual growth and development.

This event is free and open to the public. Online registration is required.

November 8, 2018
Vineyard Church Houston
1035 East 11th Street
Houston, TX 77009
Online registration is required