APA PsycInfo database: Advanced Search
A-Z Databases@your library: APA
This 60-minute session highlights some of APA PsycInfo’s database advanced functionality that’s designed to increase your efficiency by retrieving better search results faster.
After an overview of the three main vocabularies , you can use to search APA PsycInfo. The APA trainers’ll share some easy ways to quickly expand or narrow your list of search results.
You’ll also learn about syntax for proximity search and truncation; using citations to explore related research; applying search limits and results filters; using the Author Affiliation field to discover where research of interest is happening; searching the Test and Measures field for information about tests used in the scholarly literature; and using the Grant/Sponsorship field to discover potential funding sources.
If you use other APA databases, you might want to join this session because similar techniques and search tools may be applied on other APA databases.
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