Fuller’s International Prayer Circle (Tuesday Link)
Join Fuller’s International Prayer Circle for a weekly time of connecting with and interceding for each other and the nations.
Imagine a prayer chain and the links that unite it. You can join any of our two “prayer links” in the “prayer chain” – or both if you would like! We hope to include helpful meeting times for our Fuller community around the world, including you!
One prayer link meets every Tuesday at 5am Pacific Time/10pm Korea Time
Another prayer link meets every Wednesday at 9am Pacific Time/6pm Morocco Time
The Zoom info is the same for both prayer links, so use the following for either meeting: ID: 964 6445 1904 / Passcode: 442552 / fuller-edu.zoom.us/j/96464451904?pwd=ZERHK2NPSisyai92Y3NVUDFKWlNmdz09