(WCR) Whiteness Critical Reflection Welcome Event
Hosted by
Online & the Catalyst (Pasadena Campus)
Online & the Catalyst (Pasadena Campus)
This Thursday, Oct. 5th at 7pm (US Pacific Time), join WCR for a conversation with this Student Group that aims to develop critical self-awareness and discipleship practices for anti-racist leaders of faith. While all are welcome, we focus on challenging white communities to pick up their specific identity work.
Join online (via Zoom here: https://fuller-edu.zoom.us/j/82139769224?pwd=bzY2SXROMWZaSkxsbnFhZG1EMVZvQT09 Passcode: wcr) or in the Catalyst (Pasadena Campus). For more info, email [email protected]
October 5, 2023
Online & the Catalyst (Pasadena Campus)