Leslie C. Allen
Senior Professor of Old Testament
As senior faculty at Fuller, this professor primarily mentors students and only occasionally, if ever, teaches courses.
BA, MA, University of Cambridge
PhD, DD, University of London
Courses Taught
OT502: Hebrew Prophets
OT504: Writings
OT507: Old Testament Exegesis: Psalms
OT517: Old Testament Exegesis: Lamentations
OT888/OT588: Critical Approaches to the Old Testament
Campus Affiliations
Areas of Expertise
Prophets, Psalms, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, Lamentations
“My lecture courses on Old Testament books have contained at the close a relevant New Testament component and along the way New Testament parallels. My overall task is twofold: to explain the Old Testament primarily in its own terms and secondarily as preparation for the New. In both cases I am walking in step with God’s ongoing revelation.”
Leslie Allen, in an essay exploring the biblical tradition of shalom. Read more.
Leslie Allen joined the School of Theology in 1983 as professor of Old Testament and served in that capacity until 2004. He is now senior professor of Old Testament.
Commentaries Dr. Allen has written include Jeremiah in the Old Testament Library, Psalms and Ezekiel in the Word Biblical Commentary, and “Chronicles” in The New Interpreter’s Bible. He has also been published in various books and scholarly journals, including the Harvard Theological Review and the Journal of Theological Studies.
As faculty for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, Allen’s teaching focuses on mentoring PhD students as a first or second mentor. Additionally, Allen teaches courses on the Hebrew Prophets, Writings, Psalms, and Lamentations. He is involved in associations in both the United Kingdom and the United States, including the Society for Old Testament Study, Tyndale Fellowship, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the Society of Biblical Literature. He was also the recipient of the National Endowment for the Humanities Travel to Collections Grant in 1988.
Download Allen’s CV, which includes a list of his current publications, here.