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G. Tommy Givens

Associate Professor of New Testament Studies

BA, University of Northern Colorado
MA, Talbot School of Theology
ThD, Duke University

Courses Taught

NS500: New Testament 1: Gospels and Acts

NS501: New Testament 2: Romans–Revelation

NE502: Exegetical Method and Practice

NE506: New Testament Exegesis: Matthew (Greek text)

NE506: New Testament Exegesis: Romans (Greek text)

NT556: Jesus, the Church, and Violence

ET501: Christian Ethics

Campus Affiliations

Areas of Expertise

New Testament, theological ethics, Christian nonviolence, political theory, scriptural reasoning for Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations



“We must learn there is no safe way of serving or encountering Jesus. His touch leaves no one person, no culture, no politics, no economics unchallenged or unchanged. That is what it means for him to be Lord.”


Dr. Givens, reflecting on the political implications of the gospel in a panel discussion available here.


Tommy Givens joined the Fuller faculty in 2010. He holds a ThD in Theological Ethics and New Testament, an MA in New Testament, and a BA in Spanish Language and Literature. He teaches courses at Fuller in Spanish as well as English.

In addition to New Testament studies and theological ethics, Dr. Givens’s research interests include Christian nonviolence, political theory, ecology, and scriptural reasoning for Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations. He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Society of Christian Ethics, and the American Academy of Religion.

Download Givens’s CV, which includes a list of his current publications, here.

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