COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
This page provides updated information from the US, State of California, LA County, and/or the City of Pasadena regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. Please contact your health care provider for specific treatment recommendations and follow state health authorities and the CDC for the most up-to-date information. Please also review Fuller’s Reopening Protocol for Institutes of Higher Education for its Pasadena Campus.
March 18, 2021
Many in our community have asked about updated guidance regarding the use of our physical campuses for Spring, Summer and Fall quarters. The Senior Leadership Team, in consultation with the Pandemic Planning Committee, is offering the following guidance:
The Pasadena campus will remain fully online during Spring 2021 (except for limited training activities at our Fuller Psychological and Family Services clinic and other exceptions that must be approved in advance). However, due to increasing vaccination rates and reductions in new COVID infections, we are planning for a gradual return to Pasadena’s physical campus over the coming months. For example, the Summer quarter may allow for some in-person classroom opportunities utilizing best practices (such as using larger classrooms, meeting less frequently, and reducing classroom time). Our plans for Fall quarter are to fully open the campus, thus allowing for normal scheduling of in-person classes. These plans are predicated on continued increases in vaccination rates, continued reductions in the rate of new COVID infections, and continued easing of restrictions by state and local authorities.
Houston and Phoenix
Similar to Pasadena but faster. Some in-person classes are already being conducted on these campuses, albeit at a reduced rate. Our plans for Fall quarter are to fully open the campuses, thus allowing for normal scheduling of in-person classes.
We realize that projections too far into the future can be uncertain. There are many factors that will influence the achievability of the above plans. But, based on our best information, we feel that this guidance is reliable. However, we will continue to monitor all relevant factors and keep you informed of any changes. We also understand that you may have many questions regarding what campus life will look like upon reopening, what other schools in the area are planning for, etc. The Pandemic Planning Committee and the Senior Leadership Team will continue to address such questions over the coming weeks and months and keep you posted on any updates. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your senior leaders or contact the Pandemic Planning Committee at [email protected].
December 1, 2020
Spring Classes
Fuller is making preparations for the Spring quarter that addresses the recent surge in COVID-19 infection rates that also takes into account input from students, faculty, staff, state and local health guidelines, and how other colleges and universities are responding. The safety of our students, staff, and faculty is our top priority, and all decisions will continue to be made with this in mind. Following are our plans for each campus, as decided by Fuller’s Senior Leadership Team.
The Pasadena campus will remain fully online during Spring 2021 (except for limited training activities at our Fuller Psychological and Family Services clinic and other exceptions that must be approved in advance). The recent surge in cases, along with new Safer at Home orders issued by the state, Los Angeles County, and the City of Pasadena, are restricting educational institutions from conducting in-person classes. Furthermore, surveys we recently collected indicated that a large portion of Pasadena students, staff, and faculty prefer not returning to campus during the Spring due to the risks of COVID-19.
Houston will continue with its provisional plans to conduct limited in-person classes during the Spring quarter, dependent upon local COVID conditions. The Houston campus has been working with the necessary offices at Fuller to ensure the safety of our students, and they have been implementing preventive measures such as increased cleanings, mandatory facial coverings while in the classroom, assigned seating for better contact tracing, shortening in-person classes, and providing other forms of in-person instruction. They have also been in contact with students in making determinations that best suit student needs and desires.
Phoenix will continue with its provisional plans to conduct in-person classes in the Spring quarter. Like the Houston campus, Phoenix has been working with the necessary offices at Fuller to ensure the safety of our students, and they have been implementing preventive measures such as increased cleanings, mandatory facial coverings while in the classroom, numbered seating for better contact tracing, and providing other forms of in-person instruction. They have also been in contact with students in making determinations that best suit student needs and desires. Additionally, Phoenix administrators have been working with practicum sites to ensure student safety while fulfilling their practicum hours.
We will update the Fuller community should any of these plans change, and as decisions for the Summer quarter are determined. In the meantime, please continue following CDC, state, and local government recommendations, including washing your hands often, wearing a mask while in public, maintaining social distancing, and avoiding crowds.
August 15, 2020
Winter Classes
Our campuses—Pasadena, Houston, and Phoenix—are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 differently in terms of the spread of the virus, state and local health guidelines, and how schools in their area are responding. Our response to these local differences will respect these local differences. However, in all cases, our first priority is the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff. Following are our plans for each campus, as agreed to by the Fuller Senior Leadership Team who met recently on this matter.
The Pasadena campus will be fully online for the Fall (with the exception of limited training activities at our Fuller Psychological and Family Services clinic). The Pasadena campus will also be fully online for the Winter (with limited exceptions that must be approved in advance).
Although there were many factors that impacted this decision, one benchmark used by California state and local officials in considering reopening is keeping new cases reported over the last 14 days to less than 100 per 100,000 residents. Los Angeles County currently fails that test. Over the last two weeks, officials have confirmed over 30,000 new cases, which amounts to 300 per 100,000.
Houston will continue with its provisional plans to conduct in-person classes in the Fall and, if warranted, in the Winter. The Houston campus is working with the necessary offices at Fuller to ensure the safety of our students and they are implementing preventive measures such as increased cleanings, mandatory facial coverings while in the classroom, assigned seating for better contact tracing, shortening in-person classes, and providing other forms of in-person instruction.
Phoenix will continue with its provisional plans to conduct in-person classes in the Fall and, if warranted, into the Winter quarter. Like the Houston campus, Phoenix is working with the necessary offices at Fuller to ensure the safety of our students and they are implementing preventive measures such as increased cleanings, mandatory facial coverings while in the classroom, and assigned seating for better contact tracing. Additionally, Phoenix administrators are working with practicum sites to ensure students safety while fulfilling their practicum hours.
The Senior Leadership Team has begun discussing the Spring quarter and will make a decision regarding the Spring at a later date. We will update the Fuller community on the Quad, the employee site, and/or the COVID-19 webpage as situations change.
May 28, 2020
Fall Classes
For our Pasadena campus students, with an eye toward how best to strengthen and support you, your safety, your preparation, and your impact, we are being cautious in our approach to reopening our campus. In consultation with the LA County Department of Public Health and the Pasadena Department of Public Health, we now understand that reopening will also be contingent upon when we are able to achieve necessary requirements for testing, contact tracing, and creating an environment conducive to learning while also protecting students from exposure. We choose to remain cautious in our approach rather than bring students back prematurely and risk their safety or––if a second outbreak does transpire in the fall––requires us to move back online and creates more chaos in your planning. Consequently, all fall quarter courses on the Pasadena campus will be fully online. (SOT and SIS doctoral classes are awaiting final ATS approval which we anticipate receiving by the first week of June.)
Our regional campuses are facing very different COVID-19 impacts and, as a result, the governors and health departments of Texas and Arizona have taken very different paths than their California counterparts. As such, we are exploring options for limited in-person classes in Houston and Phoenix; however, we cannot, at this time, guarantee that in-person classes on those campuses will be possible. As circumstances continue to shift, we will keep you updated.
Decisions about the correct modality for and duration of each class in Fall 2020 are being made in consultation with the course’s professor—whether that professor and course were originally scheduled for Pasadena, Phoenix, or Houston—and the class schedule will be updated with that information as soon as it is available.
For some of you, the switch to online has been an unfamiliar modality, but you are faithfully continuing your studies. For many of you, online classes have been your experience from the beginning and you are continuing as normal, though in the context of a global pandemic. Thankfully, unlike many of our peer institutions, Fuller was well prepared to make the immediate transition to online learning because of our incredible faculty and amazing staff in the Office of Teaching and Learning. They spent years investing in the pedagogical and academic philosophy of our online classes and degrees to make them academically rigorous, formative, accessible to anyone seeking deeper learning and training, and able to foster community among students from varied nations, backgrounds, and experiences. I believe our online programs are second to none, extending Fuller’s historic academic excellence into the new contexts of students wherever they are and however they are serving. Because of Fuller’s excellence in online education, we have been able to prioritize student safety without sacrificing your academic experience.
We urge you to continue following CDC, state, and local government recommendations, stay home as much as possible, wear a homemade and/or non-medical-grade face mask when you must leave your home, implement social distancing, and continue taking all necessary precautions to protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones. Please know that the entire senior leadership team and I hold you in our prayers and consider you first and foremost in making these decisions.
May 4, 2020
Physical Campuses Remain Closed Until Further Notice
Fuller will remain as a virtual workforce until further notice. Managers will inform how work from home is working for departments, learn how critical business functions are being impacted, and how to coordinate an eventual return to campus. The seminary remains fully operational and we are continuing business as usual virtually. The Pandemic Planning Committee has been diligently working on phased recommendations for the gradual reopening of Fuller’s campuses which will be shared in the near future. These phases are guided by city, county, state, and federal guidelines and based on our own particular capacities and needs. That is, rather than focusing on specific dates for implementation these phases are being informed by health officials, local conditions, and Fuller’s capacity for monitoring and maintaining clean workspaces/classrooms to mitigate the spread of infection. When it is determined we can return to campus in a safe manner, we will provide updates and guidance to the community.
May 1, 2020
Pass/Fail Deadline Extended for Spring 2020
Since the April 3 deadline for electing to take spring courses pass/fail expired, we have heard from many of you that your lives in the COVID-19 pandemic have been impacted more or differently than you previously expected. Many of you are facing the demands of homeschooling children, converting worship services to online, financial hardships due to shutdowns, caring for sick family members, and a myriad of other stressors inherent in this season. You have asked for an extension in the deadline to switch one or more of your classes from graded to pass/fail.We have heard those concerns and want to help. The deadline for converting a spring course from graded basis to pass/fail has been extended to Friday of week 10, June 5, at 5:00 pm PT. To use this extended deadline, fill out the add/drop form completely (please don’t forget to include your G number, available through the “My Student Info” icon on this page; the CRN of the course you wish to switch to pass/fail, available here) and submit it to your academic advisor. Do NOT submit it directly to the registrar’s office. To ensure efficient and timely processing in this period of increased demand, advisors will be facilitating the process. Important Pass/Fail Notes:
- Courses taken Pass/Fail in winter, spring, and summer 2020 quarters do not count against the maximum Pass/Fail units in a degree program.
- All courses are eligible for Pass/Fail in spring 2020, even if they must normally be taken for a grade. This is also true for all courses in summer 2020.
- Your course instructor will not know if you have opted to take the course for a grade or Pass/Fail.
- Although Fuller joins many other academic institutions in expanding Pass/Fail policies during this extraordinary season and your transcript will note “Expanded Pass/Fail Policy: COVID-19 Emergency” for the impacted quarters, we cannot guarantee how external agencies or institutions will interpret Pass/Fail grades. If you have concerns, please discuss these with your academic advisor.
- Once you have petitioned to switch to Pass/Fail, that switch is final and you cannot petition to switch back. Similarly, only petitions to switch to Pass/Fail are covered by this extended deadline and process. All other petitions must follow the normal registrar’s office submission process.
- Only courses taken in spring 2020 can be petitioned for Pass/Fail under this extended deadline.
- Failure to correctly and completely fill out the form will result in delays and/or errors in processing.
- English DIS students should contact Aly Zadurowicz to discuss their specific situations.
- CATS, DMin, MSMFT, KSC, and CMR PhD students should reach out their academic or program advisor.
Thanks to everyone for your diligence and dedication in this incredibly uncertain time amidst a global pandemic. This academic year is unlike anything most of us could have imagined and I am reminded of the resolve, grace, patience, and determination of our students. The institution is fortunate you are part of the Fuller community. Please continue reaching out to your advisors for questions or help, and let us know how the institution can support you in this time.
April 30, 2020
Los Angeles County Offering Free Testing to All Residents
Any resident of Los Angeles County can now receive free Coronavirus testing whether experiencing symptoms or not. In order to be tested residents can sign up at to schedule a free test, provided they have a way to prove they live in the area. For those living outside of Los Angeles County, contact your local city and county for testing capabilities.
April 16, 2020
Commencement 2020
COVID-19 has required Fuller to reconsider whether a traditional, in-person commencement ceremony is feasible or responsible. Ultimately, we had to make the very difficult decision that, given the thousands who typically travel and congregate at Lake Avenue Church, we cannot hold an in-person commencement ceremony because it violates the Safer at Home order and puts our students, their friends and family, staff, and faculty at risk. Accordingly, we will not be able to hold our usual commencement week events in June including baccalaureate, doctoral hoodings, and receptions. In lieu of a June 2020 commencement, we will hold an in-person commencement as soon as the Safer at Home orders are lifted and the COVID-19 outbreak has abated. California officials have indicated that a ban on large gatherings is unlikely to be lifted any sooner than Thanksgiving so we can’t be certain how soon it will be safe to convene as large a group as commencement. As soon as a time and date are selected we will notify the Fuller community of those details.
The entire Fuller community including the Board of Trustees, senior leadership, faculty, and staff are deeply disappointed that we cannot recognize our graduates and their achievements in June of 2020 and celebrate this monumental occasion in their lives. Commencement is the crowning event of our work together, and the faculty, staff, and administration grieve with graduates that this unavoidable decision had to be made.We thank God for the gift graduates are to Fuller. They have left an indelible mark on Fuller, and we bless them as they progress towards graduation to join the 44,000 alumni that make up our shared community around the world.
April 14, 2020
Summer Quarter Classes
All summer courses on all three of our campuses—Pasadena, Houston, and Phoenix—will be fully online, using (as appropriate to the individual course) one of three modalities:
- online asynchronous (our typical online course),
- online blended (asynchronous with optional online synchronous meetings during the quarter), or
- online live (asynchronous with required online synchronous meetings throughout the quarter).
Decisions about the correct modality for and duration of each class are being made in consultation with the professor of the course, and the online schedule will be updated with that information as soon as it is available.
April 13, 2020
Physical Campuses Remain Closed Until May 15
In congruence with the Safer at Home order implemented by Pasadena, LA County, and the State of California, Fuller is extending remote working and virtual campuses. All Fuller campuses—Pasadena, Houston, and Phoenix—will remain as virtual workplaces through May 15. We will continue updating the community as the situation unfolds and as local, state, and federal orders are amended. It is important to repeat that the seminary remains fully operational and we are continuing business as usual virtually. Many offices have been hard at work throughout the quarter to ensure that disruptions are mitigated and we are able to maintain business continuity even while we are working remotely and hosting classes online. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard behind the scenes to make virtual workplaces and classes possible, and to everyone for being amenable to this new way of working.
To the best of our knowledge there are still no cases of COVID-19 on campus and we are grateful for God’s continued protection. We will continue reducing the traffic on our campuses to minimize the exposure of our community to the Coronavirus and do our part to stem the exponential spread as LA County enters crucial weeks in the fight against the pandemic.
April 7, 2020
Los Angeles County COVID-19 Drive-Up Mobile Testing Sites
A map of LA County COVID-19 drive-up mobile testing sites can be found here.
April 3, 2020
CDC Recommends Face Coverings
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.
CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.
Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.
April 2, 2020
New Exposure Guidelines
COVID-19 patients are considered infectious 48 hours before their symptoms started. If you are symptomatic and infectious with COVID-19, you must identify all persons you came in contact with 48 hours prior to becoming symptomatic and notify them of their exposure. If you were in close contact with someone while they were infectious with COVID-19, you must self-quarantine for 14 days.
April 1, 2020
LA County Residents Urged to Wear Face Masks
LA County health officials began urging residents to wear homemade, non-medical grade face masks whenever they go out in public. Officials emphasized that residents should not buy surgical or high-tech N95 masks typically used by front-line health-care providers, but can instead use household items such as scarves, bandannas, or fabric. Individuals should still adhere to the Safer at Home order and only leave home for essential matters.
March 30, 2020
New LA County Department of Public Health COVID-19 Guidelines
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19, and those who are told by a clinician they are presumed to be positive for COVID-19, are required to self-isolate for a period of 7 days and 3 days of being symptom free. Those who have been in close contact with someone who is positive or presumed positive must quarantine themselves for 14 days from their last exposure to that person.
March 29, 2020
Social Distancing Extended to April 19
President Trump announced that social distancing guidelines have been extended to April 30th. These guidelines advise that all Americans must continue to avoid nonessential travel, going to work, eating at bars and restaurants, or gathering in groups of more than 10 for at least another month.
March 27, 2020
Congress Passes the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act
The COVID-19 stimulus bill was passed by the federal government with many financial provisions for individuals, small businesses, states, and healthcare organizations. These provisions include recovery checks of up to $1,200 for American adults, small business loans, expanded unemployment benefits, new federal work study guidelines, and other additional relief benefits. Read more to see how you may benefit from the CARES Act.
March 25, 2020
Fuller Physical Campuses Remain Closed Until April 30
In congruence with the Safer-at-Home order from the State of California and local officials, Fuller campuses will remain closed until at least April 19. We will update the community once city, county, and/or state officials make further decisions regarding Safer-at-Home beyond April 19.
March 24, 2020
Fuller Psychological and Family Services Announces Launch of Telehealth Service
Fuller Psychological and Family Services (FPFS), the clinical training and community mental health outreach arm of Fuller’s School of Psychology, has launched a new service to reach students and other clients who find it impossible or inconvenient to come to the Pasadena clinic. “Fuller Telehealth” will allow FPFS to provide therapy and related services to Fuller students and other clients no matter where they live within the state of California. Development of this service began in October 2019.
According to Dr. Joy Velarde, SOP project manager for this initiative, Fuller Telehealth will extend FPFS’s reach far beyond Los Angeles County. “In the past, FPFS, like other clinics, provided therapy to local populations in person,” she said. “Now, we can reach students and other clients throughout California through their laptop, phone, or tablet, in the safety and privacy of their homes.”
The COVID-19 crisis our community is facing has accelerated the need and utilization of Fuller Telehealth, according to Irene Rapp, FPFS director of training. “Because of the current crisis, most of our clients prefer not to leave their homes and come to our clinic for therapy. By giving them the opportunity to receive therapy in their homes, we are helping them feel safe while still providing them the services they value.” She added, “The same applies to our student clinicians, who can now provide therapy services safely from their own homes.”
Fuller Telehealth is available immediately. Please contact the clinic at 626-584-5555 or submit an online request for more information.
March 23, 2020
Transcripts for Winter ’20 and Spring ’20
In an effort to continue serving and responding to student needs and concerns during this period, in addition to the previously announced Pass/Fail: Changes for Winter and Options for Spring, all transcripts will be annotated to indicate that Winter ’20 and Spring ’20 grades reflect the seminary’s changes in Pass/Fail policy in response to the current public health emergency.
March 20, 2020
Update on Campus Closure
In congruence with the Safer-at-Home order from the State of California and local officials, Fuller campuses will remain closed until at least April 19. We will update the community once city, county, and/or state officials make further decisions regarding Safer-at-Home beyond April 19.
March 19, 2020
Local and State California Governments Announce Sweeping “Safer-at-Home” Orders
This evening, Thursday, March 19, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a “safer-at-home” order for the state of California, to go into effect between midnight tonight until at least April 19. This announcement was made shortly after similar ones by Mayors Eric Garcetti and Terry Tornek for the cities of Los Angeles and Pasadena, respectively. Those announcements can be found below.
More details will follow here in the coming days as the restrictions are fleshed out and Fuller is able to judge the implications for our campuses and community.
Los Angeles:
March 17, 2020
Student Information Update
Winter ‘20 Coursework and Registrar’s Office Information
We recognize that recent COVID-19 developments have likely affected our students’ professional, family, and personal lives in significant ways. Juggling the demands of finals week can be a challenge all its own; yet many students have also had to devote time and resources to arrange for unexpected child or elder care, to prepare to shelter-in-place, to transition to remote work set-ups, or simply to cope with the anxiety, stress, and uncertainty of the last couple weeks.
In response to these unforeseen disruptions, Fuller has permitted each professor to independently approve up to one week of additional time for students to submit their Winter 2020 coursework and/or Fall 2019 Incomplete coursework (through 11:59pm PT, Friday, March 27th). We encourage any student who feels they might need this special accommodation to connect with their professor as soon as possible. As these up-to-one-week extensions are granted at the Professor’s discretion, no forms or additional processing are required.
Should you need other routine services from the Registrar, all standard Registrar’s Office forms can be accessed in PDF format at Completed forms may be emailed as an attachment to [email protected]. We regret that requests to mail, fax, or walk-in form submissions, as well as requests to pick up documents in-person cannot be accommodated at this time.
The following Registrar Services will be temporarily impacted during remote operations:
- Enrollment Verification fulfillment will be temporarily suspended, pending the development of a suitable digital ordering and fulfillment process.
- Degree Verifications received from outside credentialing agencies will be processed as usual. Responses will be returned at least once per week, no later than Tuesday of each week. All initial diploma orders and requests for replacement diplomas we receive during this time will be queued for processing upon our return.
- Transcript Request processing will continue under an adjusted fulfillment schedule. Emergency Service processing and requests for hard-copy (mailed) transcripts will be temporarily suspended. Additionally, the fee for ordering an eTranscript (delivered via secure PDF) will be adjusted to $5.00 per copy until hard-copy transcript fulfillment has resumed. eTranscripts will be processed on Wednesdays of each week.
Student Financial Services Information
The Student Accounts Office is available to answer any questions students may have about tuition payment options, loan refund checks, or any other inquiries related to their student account. Inquiries may be directed to [email protected]. Students are still able to make payments on their student account portal and are encouraged to make electronic payments and set up e-refund accounts to receive refunds.
Tuition Payment Options
- ACH/Debit – There are no fees with this option and transactions are posted immediately to the student’s account.
- Credit Card – There is a PayPath credit card service fee (2.85% with a minimum of $3.00 fee) with the transaction also posted immediately to the student’s account.
- Check by Mail – Students should provide their full name as well as their G-Number on the memo line of the check and mail to: 135 N Oakland Ave, Pasadena CA 91182 (Attn: SFS). The transaction will be posted within a week. **
- Cash – We are currently not able to accept cash in person at this time. However, students can mail in a money order, cashier’s check, or traveler’s check instead. Students should provide their full name as well as their G-Number on the memo line of the check. The transaction will be typically posted within a week. **
- Direct Aid (Third Party Checks) – These will be processed as usual and the transaction will be posted to the student’s account within a week. **
- Payment Plan – Choose the plan that best applies: (Quarterly or the DMIN Payment Plan). There is a $40 set-up fee for this option and payments are due on the 5th of each month within the quarter. Please run step 7 on the online Registration Menu before signing up for a payment plan in order for pending financial and institutional aid to be reflected.
Refund Checks
Loan Refunds and check requests will be processed as usual, however, they may be unavoidably delayed at this time. The safest and quickest way for students to receive funds from Fuller is to set up an e-refund on their student account center. When submitting a request for a refund check, other than a loan refund, students should email [email protected] with their name, G-Number, exact amount requesting, and method of refund (i.e., e-refund vs. mailed check to a specific address **).
** Note: Option to mail in payments may be unpredictable if local, state, or national lockdowns take effect as postal service will possibly be unavailable.
Federal Work Study Program
The Office of Human Resources and Student Financial Services are partnering closely to ensure students with federal work study eligibility who are employed in work study roles are able to continue receiving federal work study payments to the extent it is allowed by federal law.
On March 5th the Department of Education sent out guidance related to Federal Work Study and how the effects of the COVID-19 would impact the program participation.
It was made clear that federal law allows institutions, such as Fuller Theological Seminary, to continue to make Federal Work Study (FWS) payments to students unable to continue working their federal work-study positions, under certain limited circumstances. This provision includes events such as COVID-19 as it currently affects our institution.
For federal work-study students at Fuller who are currently enrolled and affected by the changes being made to on-campus positions due to COVID-19, please refer to the following information:
- If currently working a FWS position during the Winter 2020 quarter, Fuller will continue to pay FWS students for their normally scheduled weekly hours, even if they are not able to work on-campus or remotely, as long as they maintain the federal requirements listed for the award.
- If the FWS student is fulfilling their FWS hours at an off-site location, they will report to that location as usual unless they, too, are closed due to COVID-19.
- Federal work-study positions will be relocated from on-campus to remote as assigned. Individuals who do work, on-campus or remote, should indicate the actual hours worked on their timecards; individuals who are unable to work should enter the number of hours they would have regularly been scheduled to work and should select “Emergency Close” as the Pay Code on the timecard.
- If students have questions regarding their position, we ask that they reach out to their supervisor or the Office of Human Resources for more detailed information.
We understand that for some of our students currently enrolled and utilizing federal work-study funds this change can be devastating. Please know our Student Services team is here to offer support in this time of uncertainty. If students have any questions regarding any of the above information, please email [email protected].
We are deeply committed to partnering with our students in this challenging season, and will continue to provide updates along the way with any changes that may arise due to the COVID-19 outbreak as Fuller moves quickly to adjust.
Students are encouraged to reach out to their academic advisor or faculty advisor for any questions or concerns they may have. Academic and faculty advisors are available and prepared to assist students via email, phone calls, or video conferencing, and can walk students through their options for the remainder of the Winter quarter as well as options for Spring 2020.
Please take care of yourself and support each other in the coming weeks.
Your Student Service Team
Welcome Center and Student Service Team: [email protected]
Office of Academic Advising: [email protected]
Student Financial Services: [email protected]
Registrar’s Office: [email protected]
March 16, 2020
Campuses Virtual by EOD Wednesday
- All campuses will move to virtual workplaces by end of day March 18
- Campuses will remain closed until April 13 with an update no later than April 6 with any changes
- The seminary remains fully operational and we are continuing business as usual virtually
All Fuller campuses—Pasadena, Houston, and Phoenix—will move to virtual workplaces by end of day Wednesday, March 18. (The Hubbard Library’s physical location will remain open through Friday, March 20 for finals week and will then close; Fuller Psychological and Family Services will remain open and begin transitioning most clients to teletherapy). Provost Mari Clements is working with faculty and students so that finals will not be impacted by this closure. Our physical campuses will remain closed until at least April 13, but we will update the community no later than April 6 with any changes.
It is important to repeat that the seminary remains fully operational and we are continuing business as usual virtually. Through the brilliant work of our faculty and the Teaching and Learning office, Fuller classes will continue online even though we are temporarily closing our physical spaces. Moreover, our amazing HR and IT teams have identified core business functions across campus and have ensured a process by which their essential work can continue remotely. \
To the best of our knowledge there are still no cases of COVID-19 on campus, so this announcement is in no way meant to communicate that the campus environment is unsafe: we are simply reducing the traffic on our campuses to minimize exposure of our community to the Coronavirus and do our part to stem the exponential spread of the COVID-19 disease.
This is the plan for now, until we are required by either local, state, or national governments to shift yet again. HR will be sending a survey to managers to gather information that will help answer specifics, especially related to remote work and pay. Please fill it out! I will continue updating the community as we know more. For now, continue following CDC and government recommendations, stay home as much as possible, implement social distancing, be patient with one another, and pray for God’s protection over the vulnerable people in our lives.
I’m right here—we’re in this together. Praying God’s grace over you,
Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair
Fuller Seminary
March 13, 2020
Everything I am reading—and people I am talking to—indicates that what has hit the US and the world through COVID-19 is not even near the apex of its medical and financial devastation. Like many others, I trust in Jesus Christ whose power is far greater than anything in life or in death, whose love pursues people in all times and places. AND, this is the time for us to act as communally as possible in calling one another to save lives by acting with loving immediacy.
For pastors, churches, and leaders of any public or private enterprise, I urge you and any networks you can reach, to move as much and as quickly as possible to any and all forms of social distancing—including virtual worship, work, meetings, and social gatherings. This means, for example, on the cusp of this weekend, take all steps available to move worship and fellowship gatherings or events into virtual spaces. Then, ask all those you know and touch to encourage similar and immediate action by all they know and touch. The strongest and most immediate actions could save thousands of lives.
When we are facing these extraordinary circumstances, let’s serve our safety and the safety of others as aggressively as we believe we can or should—and then decide to do more. Let’s specifically remain as ready as we can to serve and prioritize the most vulnerable.
Read, watch, listen, pray, act. I believe there is little doubt that America will very soon look like the dire situations we are seeing in Asia and Europe. Lives everywhere and in every circumstance are beloved. Let’s give up blame, skepticism, and panic. Instead, let’s choose daily to have no regrets if there is something more we can do to respond with positive, useful actions of love.
Mark Labberton, Clifford L. Penner Presidential Chair
Fuller Seminary
March 13, 2020
Spring Quarter Classes and Other Updates
Across many different settings, it has become abundantly clear the unprecedented impact COVID-19 is having across the world. We continue to pray for those who are ill, those who are in high risk categories and most susceptible to COVID-19, and for the brave individuals on the front lines fighting the spread of this disease.
I want to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for the Fuller community and how you are responding to the disruption COVID-19 has posed in our day-to-day lives and operation. These extenuating circumstances are forcing Fuller to alter some key academic and operational decisions. Each step of the way, your safety is the most important concern and we are making decisions with your well-being in mind. Equally important are the people in our lives who could be placed at risk by decisions Fuller does or does not make. As such, while some of us may not be in high-risk categories, we have a responsibility to ensure we are taking all precautionary steps to prevent the virus spreading to our loved ones and those most vulnerable. Thank you for your ever-generous spirit of cooperation and understanding as we make difficult decisions that will undoubtedly impact your academic experience. While these changes can be challenging for many of us, we are confident these are the right decisions.
To be clear, there is not a confirmed case of COVID-19 on Fuller’s Pasadena campus. Nonetheless, Fuller is taking preventative steps that will thin the campus population in order to flatten the curve of transmission within our community. These decisions were not made lightly and are the result of diligent, thoughtful, and deliberate consideration from senior leadership. Additionally, it is crucial to note that we will continue functioning operationally, though in an altered form, unless otherwise instructed by the California Department of Public Health to temporarily close. Fuller Psychological and Family Services will remain open to the public.
Here are current decisions that affect employees, with the proviso that changes will be made ongoing. These decisions are intended for the Spring quarter:
First, and most important: the seminary is open and fully operational. Some employees will continue working on campus while others, where possible, will begin working remotely. This structure allows us to reduce the number of employees present on campus and to ultimately lessen the possibility for transmission per CDC.
Virtual Classes: All geophysical, intensive, and hybrid courses scheduled to meet in-person on the Pasadena, Houston, or Phoenix campuses in the Spring Quarter will be conducted in a virtual modality for the entire Spring Quarter. This means there will be no in-person classes scheduled to meet on any Fuller campus in the Spring Quarter (with very limited exceptions detailed below). Rather, you will meet synchronously with your professor and classmates on a virtual platform. Faculty are working with our very talented Teaching and Learning team for any technical needs that may arise in order to make this transition as smooth as possible. Additional information and details about your specific courses will be provided by your professors over the coming days. All off-site intensive courses for Spring Quarter will be cancelled. No audits of any courses will be allowed for Spring Quarter.
- Exceptions to On-Campus Classes:
- PC806 – Practicum 0 (doctoral)
- PC820 – Practicum I (FPFS; doctoral PsyD)
- FT550 – Practicum (MFT)
- FT530C – Clinical Foundations 3 (MFT)
- FL501 – Family Life Education (MFT)
- PE804 – Neuropsychology II: Assessment (doctoral)
- FT522 – Assessment (MFT)
- Oral Comprehensive Exams (doctoral students)
Online Classes: All online classes in the Spring Quarter will not be affected and will convene as previously scheduled.
Student Housing: All student housing will remain open. Students currently residing in student housing who choose to return home or leave Pasadena will have the option to vacate their housing unit without any penalties.
- Library: The Hubbard Library remains open, but we will be carefully evaluating hours and days of operation as the situation continues to develop. Although book check out and E-reserves will be available, physical Interlibrary Loan will be suspended for the Spring Quarter. Faculty with hard-copy reserves will be encouraged to seek alternatives, and if not available, students may need to purchase these books.
While we are trying to reduce the number of people on campus, faculty and staff are welcome to come in to their offices and do their work as needed. This decision is in no way meant to communicate that the campus environment is unsafe—no special accommodations need to be made, though we continue to encourage disinfecting your workspace and observing increased hygiene habits recommended by the CDC.
Virtual Work Rollout: We are preparing for and testing remote workplace options. We urge managers to determine the critical functions of their offices in order to be sure that essential work continues whether in a remote location or on campus. With those functions in mind, we encourage managers to coordinate with HR who will assess and plan this process with you to be sure that workflow is uninterrupted and resources necessary for that assurance are provided by the seminary. Some offices have begun this process already. We will monitor and confirm no later than April 30 in case we are going to return earlier than the end of Spring quarter.
Campus events: All large events on the Pasadena campus where 50 or more people are expected to gather in person will be postponed, cancelled, or moved to a virtual space effective March 12 through the end of Spring Quarter. This includes Payton Lectures, All Nations Food and Arts Festival, chapel, and other events that will be updated on Fuller’s master calendar. If an office or department responsible for an event determines to move forward with a virtual event, this decision should be made in consultation with the Strategic Events team and IT.
- Commencement: Given the international make-up of our student body, it is necessary to consider the implications of having families travel in from across the globe and gather in a large crowd. In order to honor our students and their families and the immense sacrifices they have made, we are carefully considering Commencement in light of these new realities. We will update graduates and the community by April 15.
In-person Meetings: Unless in-person attendance is critical, all meetings should be conducted virtually. Extra-campus meetings are discouraged, as per CDC guidelines. Dissertation hearings and similar student meetings are encouraged to be conducted virtually.
Travel restrictions: Travel to CDC-health advisory countries or areas requires a 14-day self-quarantine prior to return to campus (which includes student housing). If you are returning from any international travel, all students, staff, and faculty will be strongly encouraged to work remotely for 14 days prior to returning to campus. Fuller discourages all non-essential and unnecessary travel, domestic as well as international, at this time. CDC recommends and urges extreme caution and judgment for any travel undertaken.
In this extraordinary time to protect our community, individuals with a fever are prohibited from campus, and individuals with other COVID-19 related symptoms are strongly encouraged to stay home.
Fuller will continue monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and is in regular conversation with the Pasadena Department of Public Health, Los Angeles Department of Public Health, and our accreditors. Much of life in the U.S. is in flux because of the COVID-19 outbreak so it is difficult to know fully what to expect, but we will continue updating the community on any changes that may occur. Please continue checking this page for any updates.
Please continue taking all necessary precautions to protect yourself, your family, and your loved ones. Thank you for your willingness to join us on this confusing, difficult, and galvanizing time. We will continue making decisions with your care and safety as our utmost concern, and I urge you to think generously of your neighbors and our opportunities to show the love of Christ wherever and whenever we can.
Grateful for you,
Mark Labberton
March 12, 2020
Large Events Cancellation
In order to limit the number of people on the campus and encourage social distancing, all large events on the Pasadena campus where 50 or more people are expected to gather in person will be postponed, cancelled, or moved to a virtual space effective March 12 through the end of Spring Quarter. This includes Payton Lectures, All Nations Food and Arts Festival, chapel, and other events that will be updated on Fuller’s master calendar. If an office or department responsible for an event determines to move forward with a virtual event, this decision should be made in consultation with the Strategic Events team and IT.
March 11, 2020
Restrictions and Protocol for Admissions Campus Visits
Fuller is suspending all campus visits indefinitely.
There are alternative ways to connect with an admissions counselor to learn more about Fuller’s programs and opportunities, including video chats and phone calls.
March 5, 2020
COVID-19 Subcommittee
Fuller is working to provide proactive care for all our students, staff, and faculty as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve. We are committed to the safety of our community and are taking steps to address the challenges posed by this virus.
As you may know, the State of California, Los Angeles County, Orange County, and the City of Pasadena have each declared a “state of emergency” related to the COVID-19 outbreak. While this may be alarming and disconcerting to many, this is a proactive step each city/county is taking to address the spread of the virus in an efficient manner. Declaring a state of emergency is part of an ongoing response by the county that empowers local governments to more effectively respond to COVID-19. It allows them to prepare for a potential spread of the virus in the community, maintain coordination with local health organizations and partners, seek and utilize federal aid (e.g. like funding and testing kits), obtain reimbursement for city expenditures where applicable, and ensure health professionals and other local stakeholders have all the necessary tools at their disposal to prevent escalation of contagion. As such, these declarations are part of the normal function of a city/county working toward prevention.
At the time of this writing, neither the City of Pasadena nor Fuller Theological Seminary have any reported cases of COVID-19.
As situations evolve with COVID-19, Fuller is prepared to address and respond. The Emergency Management Committee, comprised of representatives from various Fuller departments responsible for business continuity protocols—in situations like natural disasters, active killer events, and pandemics—has developed a Pandemic Planning Committee (PPC) to address COVID-19. For the foreseeable future, this committee will meet on a weekly basis and provide updates to the Fuller community as new information becomes available.
The subcommittee met this morning and, in coordination with and receiving approval from senior leadership, is providing the following recommendations to the Fuller community.
- Students should contact their advisors with concerns related to class attendance or other factors that may impact their course work.
- Follow all CDC recommendations related to travel (at this time, the CDC has issued advisories limiting non-essential travel to China, Italy, Iran, and South Korea). In addition, the CDC states that older adults and those with chronic medical conditions should consider postponing non-essential travel to Japan. Travel advisories may vary by country so please follow any government restrictions and travel advisories that have been put in place.
- If you are currently or have recently traveled to one of the above locations, please follow CDC guidelines (which in certain situations requires a 14-day quarantine).
- As a regular practice, if a student feels sick for any reason, please do stay home to minimize the spread of any colds, flus, or other contagious illnesses.
Staff and Administrators/Managers
- Staff and administrators should work with their managers and division leaders regarding all business-related travel. As of this writing, staff travel to CDC Level 3 countries should be restricted and only allowed with prior approval from the Provost or COO. Currently, these countries are China, Iran, South Korea, and Italy. Staff travel to CDC Level 2 countries be limited and only allowed with prior approval from the Provost or COO. Currently, Japan is the only Level 2 country.
- If you are currently or have recently traveled to one of the above locations, please follow CDC guidelines (which in certain situations requires a 14-day quarantine).
- Any employee who feels uncomfortable traveling to any location or attending any event (whether at Fuller or a work-related event elsewhere, external or internal) should feel empowered to work with their supervisors to make decisions that are best for them and their family.
- As a regular practice, if a staff member or administrator feels sick for any reason, please do stay home to minimize the spread of any colds, flus, or other contagious illnesses. See Section 9.4 of the HR Policy Manual for Fuller’s Sick Leave policies.
- Faculty should work with their deans on all business-related travel. As of this writing, faculty travel to CDC Level 3 countries should be restricted and only allowed with prior approval from Provost Mari Clements. Currently, these countries are China, Iran, South Korea, and Italy. Faculty travel to CDC Level 2 countries be limited and only allowed with prior approval from Provost Mari Clements. Currently, Japan is the only Level 2 country.
- If you are currently or have recently traveled to one of the above locations, please follow CDC guidelines (which in certain situations requires a 14-day quarantine).
- As a regular practice, if a faculty member feels sick for any reason, please do stay home to minimize the spread of any colds, flus, or other contagious illnesses. See Section 14.19 of the Faculty Handbook for Fuller’s Sick Leave policy.
Fuller references, and adheres to, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and LA County Department of Public Health for any updates and changes. This includes advisories and restrictions imposed by health authorities and governments. Fuller will be looking cautiously at our event calendar to determine whether events should be canceled, maintained, or shifted to digital-only experiences. The PPC will work with decision-makers in determining the best path forward and update the community accordingly through the
February 28, 2020
CDC and LACDPH Guidelines for Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment
As COVID-19 continues spreading across the globe, it is understandable that this will cause trepidation and concern within our community—especially as cases in the United States, South Korea, and Central America become more numerous. Fuller’s policy is to adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and LA County Department of Public Health recommendations, and we will continue monitoring the CDC and LACDPH for updates and alert the Fuller community to any changes so you are aware of risks, prevention methods, symptoms, and treatments. The Student Engagement and Success office, in particular, has been intimately engaged in this evolving situation and have been in regular contact with students and residents, and the HR office is doing the same with employees. To clarify, there have been no cases of COVID-19 on Fuller campuses and we will continue monitoring the situation.
Updated information from the CDC (as of Feb. 26) has indicated that over the coming weeks, the U.S. should be prepared for additional cases, and the possible scenario of sustained community transmission in some areas. Current public health data indicates that the risk of casual contact with an asymptomatic individual in public spaces is very low. The majority of cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. will be mild and treated with self-care at home.
For the most up-to-date information, please visit the CDC and LACDPH. The latest in prevention, symptoms, and treatment includes:
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infection. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) does have specific guidance for travelers.
Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with these viruses at some point in their lives. These illnesses usually only last for a short amount of time. Symptoms may include
Runny nose
Sore throat
A general feeling of being unwell
Human coronaviruses can sometimes cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. This is more common in people with cardiopulmonary disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, and older adults.
There is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19 infection. People infected with COVID-19 should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. For severe cases, treatment should include care to support vital organ functions. People who think they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact your healthcare provider immediately. See Interim Guidance for Healthcare Professionals for information on patients under investigation.
Fuller is following the CDC’s recommendations regarding travel. For updates, visit the CDC Travelers’ Health webpage.
Contact information:
For updates, students should contact Student Engagement and Success at [email protected] or 626.584.5433
For updates, employees should contact HR at [email protected] or 626.584.5454
Staff are encouraged to contact the Staff Committee at [email protected] for general information or advice
Any student, faculty, or staff who is feeling worried or concerned about COVID-19 and would like mental health services should contact Fuller Psychological and Family Services at 626-584-5555.