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Austin Hussain


PhD Student, Intercultural Studies

Faculty Mentor

Dwight Radcliffe

About Austin

I come from many peoples and places. Sprouting from my family tree are the hopes and heartbreaks of Irish, Scottish, Chinese, Cornish, German, and Indian ancestors. As I walk the paths they’ve tread for me, I find myself a PhD student who’s trying to heal racial ruptures in the United States. If we can heal our bodies and the systems that damage them, we can all get closer to harmony and justice among each other, ourselves, and all creation.

For over three years I’ve been co-leading a group, Whiteness Critical Reflection, dedicated to analyzing white culture. We dive into the ugly parts, recognize the redeemable parts, and explore how whiteness interacts with other cultures. On the academic side of my work, I’m asking how the white US Evangelical church can address its race-related moral injury and guide its people toward racial solidarity.

Beyond work, I love sharing deep conversations, eating delicious food, and exploring my home—the beautiful island of Maui, Hawai’i.


Fuller Theological Seminary


MA in Theology

Fresno Pacific University


BS in Finance

Research Interests

Formation; Traumatic Stress Studies; Critical Race Theory; Missiology

Fuller Seminary hosts these profiles as a courtesy to our doctoral students. Their views are their own and do not necessary reflect the views of the seminary.