About Dave
I grew up as a missionary kid in Sierra Leone, West Africa. It was glorious. After high school and college in Indiana, I pastored for 10 years in northwest Ohio. In 1999 I joined the US Center for World Mission in Pasadena and have served here ever since. I am married and have four children. My wife and I serve as caregivers for our disabled son and as for my three daughters, well, let’s just say we also raise divas.
Winebrenner Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity
Huntington University
BA in Bible and Religion
Research Interests
Unreached people group paradigm, African American history, African-American missions, frontier missiology
Datema, David Earl. “Defining ‘Unreached’: A Short History.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology 33, no. 2 (2016): 45–71.
Datema, David Earl. “The Universal Particularism of Panta Ta Ethne: A Biblical Case for the Continued Viability of the People Group Concept in Mission.” Missiology: An International Review, April 3, 2021.
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