Global Research Institute
Established in 1995, the Global Research Institute (GRI) at Fuller Theological Seminary offers a scholarship to non-Western Christian scholars who hold a PhD and are currently teaching. The scholarship will enable them to take a six-month sabbatical to complete texts for the teaching ministry in their Majority World context and undertake final-stage research at Fuller Theological Seminary. The GRI program operates out of Fuller’s Center for Missiological Research (CMR).
The Global Research Institute exists because Fuller believes that one of the primary tasks of the global Christian community is to provide local churches and Christian institutions with written materials that reflect the history, needs, priorities, and peculiarities of their specific contexts, and that these local concerns must matter to churches and Christian scholars everywhere. Today this need is particularly compelling in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and other regions where the church is experiencing its most rapid growth.

The GRI program provides a scholarship that allows recipients to take a sabbatical for two academic quarters (about six months) to research and write materials that further the intellectual and spiritual mission of the church in the scholar’s particular region.
Applicants obtain release from their institution for six months (January to June or July to December). While based in their home country, they are connected with Fuller’s resources remotely through online modalities. During the sabbatical period, they make a one-month visit to Fuller’s Pasadena campus.
The scholarship provides:
- $1,000 per month (total $6,000) stipend for living expenses
- Digital access to Fuller’s Hubbard Library (and physical access when on campus)
- Travel to and from Pasadena for the scholar (and spouse, where applicable) and help with visa applications
- Accommodation in Pasadena for scholar (and spouse) for one month, with medical insurance coverage
- Study space for the scholar in Pasadena
Additional support that enhances the scholar’s research can be applied for, such as purchase of equipment, books, photocopying, editing, conference attendance, etc.

Applicants should be scholars who have earned a PhD and have taught for some years in a recognized institution of theological or missiological education in the Majority World. They should have the support of that institution for this application.
There is one application deadline per year, on or before 11:59 pm (Pacific Daylight Time) on April 1. There are at least two open positions each year. Dates of each fellowship will begin as soon as possible after the close of the application period. Applicants will be notified of their status by email after June 1.
Application review considers overall application quality, the potential likelihood of a project’s contribution both to a scholar’s local context and the global church, and the anticipated relevance of Fuller’s faculty and library resources to the applicant’s writing goals.
- Completed GRI application form
- Full curriculum vitae (CV) or resume
- Book project proposal (minimum of four pages). This proposal should be for a new research project (not for preparing your PhD dissertation for publication). You may use this proposal template. You are welcome to add additional headings or change the heading names as it makes sense for your proposal.
- Sample of published material and/or a photocopy of a chapter from your PhD dissertation
- Three letters of recommendation from people acquainted with your teaching and scholarship.
- Confirmation from the home institution that the applicant will be released for a six-month sabbatical

Scholars from Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda, Singapore, and Sri Lanka have benefited from the fellowship provided through GRI. This is what some had to say about their time with GRI:
- “Every day, I thank God for this rare opportunity to be a beneficiary of the GRI program. While on campus, I completed four chapters of my book, reworked my paper and presented it in the colloquium. I visited Washington State (Spokane), where I saw snow and touched it for the first time. I traveled to Texas, where I met people from different [walks] of life, especially women involved in theology. I worshiped with other brethren and saw other ways God is glorified other than how he is worshiped in my context. While at Fuller, I slept well and got the long-desired rest from administrative responsibilities, meetings, and teaching.” – Dr. Felicia Chinyere Priest, West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria.
- “As Research Faculty at the Center of Missiological Research of Fuller Seminary, I had the privilege and opportunity to spend a month of my sabbatical on campus doing research at the library and meeting some key members of the faculty to discuss issues related to the book in which I am working on. The hybrid modality of the program has been, in my opinion, a richer experience, because I could remain in my country but at the same time, I was able to attend some academic activities in person such as some of the colloquia and over all to meet personally some faculty members as in general terms to know and having an academic visit in this very prestigious institution. I am thankful to all people who made possible this academic visit, as well as the complete research program.” – Dra. Dinorah B. Méndez, Profesora de Teología e Historia, SETEBAL, Mexico.