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Kara E. Powell

Chief of Leadership Formation, Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute, and Professor of Youth and Family Ministry

BA, Stanford University
MDiv, Bethel Theological Seminary
PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

Courses Taught

YF507: Youth Ministry Communication

YF519: Adolescent Faith Longevity

Campus Affiliations

Areas of Expertise

Practical theology, youth ministry, family ministry, junior high ministry, leadership development, youth ministry communication

“Who am I? Where do I fit? What difference do I make? As in previous eras, today’s young people navigate these three key developmental questions. The first is a question about identity. The second is a question of belonging. The third is a question of purpose. While questions of identity, belonging, and purpose cut across all life stages, young people feel them intensely.”


Dr. Powell, in the introduction to her guest edited FULLER magazine on the topic of young people. Read more.


Kara Powell, PhD, is the Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI), the founder of the TENx10 Collaboration, the Chief of Leadership of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, and serves as a faculty member at Fuller Seminary. Prior to that, Kara was an Assistant Professor of Youth Ministry and Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University. She completed her PhD in Practical Theology from Fuller Seminary with a focus on Pastoral Role Expectations in 2000, an MDiv from Bethel Theological Seminary in 1994, and a BA in human biology, graduating with Honors from Stanford University in 1991.

In addition to her roles at Fuller Seminary, Kara was also college pastor at Lake Avenue Church from 1995-1998 and was the Associate Youth Minister at San Diego First Assembly of God from 1991-1995. During college, Kara gained an ongoing commitment to church/parachurch partnerships during her time on Young Life Student Staff in the Stanford area.

Named by Christianity Today as one of “50 Women to Watch”, Kara is the author or co-author of multiple books including Faith Beyond Youth Group, 3 Big Questions that Change Every TeenagerFaith in an Anxious World, Growing With, Growing Young, The Sticky Faith Service GuideCan I Ask That? 2: More Hard Questions about God and Faith, and The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family. Kara is also a sought-after speaker at national parenting and leadership conferences.

Kara lives in Pasadena, CA, with her husband, Dave, who is a medical device engineer, and their teenage and young adult children, Nathan, Krista, and Jessica.

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