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Alumni Relations

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We’re Here for You!

The mission of Alumni Relations is to develop lifelong relationships between alumni and Fuller Theological Seminary which enrich the lives of our alumni and engages them to invest in the Lord’s work through Fuller.

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Fuller Alumni Resources

Visit the Resources section on the Fuller Alumni Network to view the many benefits available to you as alumni.

+ See Them Here

Stay Connected

Join the Fuller Alumni Network, our online directory, to stay connected to the Fuller community.

+ Make the Connection

Fuller is All Around the World

Almost wherever you go around the world, you will find fellow Fuller alumni. Make a connection!

We’re Here to Help

Need your transcript? Want to know how to audit a class? Don’t remember your Fuller ID number? Want to access the library? Let us help.


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The Fuller Alumni Network

Fuller alumni span the globe, bringing the love of Christ and serving God’s people in both tangible and intangible ways through a myriad of professions. See who they are, where they are, and how God is working through them.

A Fuller Life

To be Fuller alumni means you are contributing to kingdom work through Fuller. We encourage you to give of your time, your talent, and your treasure to bless and advance this work now and into the future.

Be a Volunteer
Support a Student
Nominate an Alumnus/a for an Award
Post a Job/Internship Opportunity

students talking
Tommy Givens teaching outside

Why Give

Your generous giving equips the next generation of Christian leaders to go out and impact the world for Christ. Through Fuller, traditional students and non-degree-seeking learners gain the practical tools and theological wisdom to lead. Your financial generosity makes it possible for our underresourced students to complete their studies without the burden of debt, and to focus on God’s unique calling on their lives.

Meet Your Alumni Leadership Council

The Alumni Leadership Council supports Alumni Relations’ mission to develop lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships between alumni and Fuller Theological Seminary through connected community, helpful communication, and a culture of service and giving. ALC members represent the alumni body in support of the mission of Fuller and Alumni Relations.

John Burton

John Burton, Jr.
(MDiv ’12)
[email protected]
Charlotte, NC

Christin Fort

Christin Fort
(PhDPSY '17, MAT '16, MAPSY '13)
[email protected]
Pasadena, CA

Quinn Fox

Quinn Fox
(MDiv '82, MAT '83)
[email protected]
Washington, D.C.

Israel Kolade

Israel Kolade
(MDiv ’23)
[email protected]
Pasadena, CA

Terry McGonigal

Terry McGonigal
(PhDTH '81, MDiv '77)
[email protected]
Pasadena, CA

Esther Muthoga

Esther Muthoga
(MDiv '23)
[email protected]
Nairobi, Kenya

Chris Tweitmann

Christopher Tweitmann
(MDiv '04)
[email protected]
Westminster, CA

Suzie Sang

Suzie Sang
(MDiv '03) Chair
[email protected]
Pasadena, CA

Patricia Engert-Williamson Al

Patty Engert-Williamson
(PhDPSY '02, MAT '01, MAPSY '98)
[email protected]
Pasadena, CA

Get to know your Alumni Leadership Council (ALC) members

Contact Us

Do you have further questions or needs? We’re here to help!


(626) 792-3232 Ext. 2

[email protected]

135 N. Oakland Ave
Pasadena, CA 91182

Office Hours
8 am – 5 pm (Pacific Time)

Alumni Relations

Bert Jacklitch
Director of Alumni Relations
[email protected]

Maxime Faggioli
Alumni Relations Communications Specialist
[email protected]