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Centro Latino Lectures 2018

Date: 2018-10-04

Fuller Seminary’s Centro Latino is hosting the 2018 Latino Lectures “A Church Without Borders” on Fuller’s Pasadena campus on October 4 & 5. The 2018 Latino Lectures will look for ways to tear down those divisive walls based on enmity (Ephesians 2:14) of race, ethnicity, territory, gender, religion, political party, ideology, culture, etc. In turn, this conference will propose ways towards the construction of a church that transcends these walls and their corresponding policies. The Spirit of Life is a Spirit without Borders and a Church Without Borders is a church reconfigured under the logic of Pentecost (Acts 2). It is this same Spirit that will guide our conversations, plenary sessions and spaces for mutual learning.

Online registration is required.

For more information, including a schedule and list of guest speakers, please visit the Latino Lectures website.


La Conferencia del Centro Latino 2018 buscará maneras de derribar aquellos muros divisorios basados en la enemistad (Ef. 2:14) de raza, etnia, territorio, género, religión, partido político, ideología, cultura, etc. A su vez, esta conferencia propondrá caminos hacia la construcción de una iglesia que trasciende dichos muros y sus correspondientes políticas. El Espíritu de Vida es un Espíritu sin Fronteras y Una Iglesia Sin Fronteras es una iglesia reconfigurada bajo la lógica del Pentecostés (Hch. 2). Es este mismo Espíritu el que guiará nuestras conversaciones, plenarias y espacios para el mutuo aprendizaje.