Fuller Seminary Enters a New Era of Digital Transformation
Fuller Theological Seminary is entering a new era as a digital-forward institution of higher education. Having launched its first fully-online degree program more than two decades ago, Fuller Seminary has long been a leading institution in global Christian higher education, equipping professional and graduate students of theology, intercultural studies, and psychology through both its School of Mission and Theology and School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy. Now, digital-forward approaches to education, leadership, and marketing will further increase Fuller’s capacity to recruit, train, and support students pursuing master and doctoral degrees nationally and globally.
Key administrative changes will support President David Emmanuel Goatley in leading Fuller through this digital transformation.
Dr. Ryan K. Bolger, interim dean and associate professor of church in contemporary culture in the School of Mission and Theology, will assume digital-forward provostial responsibilities of leading Fuller’s integration of digital technologies and processes across academic and operational units as vice president of digital transformation and interim chief academic officer, effective March 31, 2025. Dr. Bolger joined the seminary faculty in 2002, after earning both his master’s and doctoral degrees from Fuller. Beyond conducting research focusing on the church and contemporary culture, he teaches classes on missiology, technological culture, spirituality, calling, intercultural engagement, and church strategy. An author of numerous book chapters and journal articles, Bolger has co-edited Techno-Sapiens in a Networked Era: Becoming Digital Neighbors, co-authored Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Communities in Postmodern Cultures, and edited Gospel after Christendom: New Voices, New Cultures, New Expressions. Bolger began his career in the technology sector and has decades of experience in educational technology, including developing digital education spaces through spiritually-based web platforms and apps.
Dr. Alexis D. Abernethy, chief academic officer and professor of psychology in the School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy, will conclude her term as CAO on March 31, 2025. She completes an impactful four-year term that began in 2021 as Fuller was emerging from the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating nationwide racial and political polarization, and implementing a newly articulated strategic plan. As the seminary’s executive responsible for ensuring quality education experiences across its schools, Dr. Abernethy made a tremendous impact through the following accomplishments, among many others:
- Assuming increased responsibilities related to operations, developing and refreshing degrees, and enrollment
- Orienting and supervising five different deans
- Chairing two successful dean searches to provide the School of Mission and Theology and the School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy stable leadership for coming years
- Fulfilling decanal and some liaison responsibilities for accreditation by the Association for Theological Schools
- Securing funding to support faculty development opportunities
- Collaborating to develop systems that strengthen degree performance and financial management
- Helping to improve hiring processes and compensation procedures for regular faculty
- Improving staff and faculty collaboration and responsiveness to students by enhancing policies and procedures through the Academic Council
Abernethy will be on sabbatical leave from Spring 2025 through Summer 2026. Reflecting on her contributions, President Goatley said, “Dr. Abernethy’s gifted leadership as a scholar, administrator, and Christ-follower has been transformative for Fuller Seminary. Her remarkable service will continue to influence our future success as we enter this new era.”
President Goatley added, “Fuller Seminary was founded to be a flagship evangelical institution of higher Christian education. As we embrace a digital-forward vision, we are deeply committed to equipping leaders to bring Christ’s hope and healing to the church and the world.”
Fuller Seminary is one of the largest nondenominational seminaries in the world with a global enrollment of more than 2,600 students. Courses are offered at Fuller’s campuses in Pasadena, Houston, and Phoenix, as well as online. Fuller offers master’s and doctoral degrees through its two schools: the School of Mission and Theology, and the School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy. On-demand non-degree courses and professional training are available through the digital learning platform FULLER Equip. Fuller is a global ecclesial, evangelical, ecumenical, and egalitarian institution of higher Christian education.