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Center for Missiological Research

The Center for Missiological Research (CMR) within the School of Mission and Theology draws a community of scholars from around the world to address seminal missiological issues. It supports research and equips students at the highest level for faithful leadership in mission studies education and practice, world Christianity, intercultural theology, and related fields. CMR manages the annual Missiology Lectures and organizes colloquia and other events for the research community. Below, explore some of the ongoing programs and scholarship of School of Mission and Theology faculty, CMR students, and CMR and GRI alumni, with links to even more.


Our Programs

The Center for Missiological Research oversees the PhD and ThM programs in Intercultural Studies in Fuller’s School of Mission and Theology, as well as the Global Research Institute (GRI) postdoctoral fellowship program.

A Focus on Scholarly Community

The Center for Missiological Research (CMR) fosters a community of scholarly inquiry in the field of missiology, broadly understood. The CMR community includes Intercultural Studies PhD and ThM students, postdoctoral scholars in the GRI Program, visiting fellows, and the CMR faculty. CMR community activities include:


Colloquia are events in which our community gathers to engage in dialogue based around presentations made by either students or faculty members. These offer the chance to present an article prepared for publication and can provide some highly engaging debates and collegial critique. They also present the opportunity for students to be exposed to issues that are outside the scope of their own research. Once per quarter this engagement takes place as an informal discussion and fellowship time, a “Salon Missiologique,” held in a Fuller faculty member’s home.

Johnny Ramirez Johnson

Professional Development Activities

The PhD and ThM in Intercultural Studies are not only programs of study but also formative both spiritually and professionally. Graduates are likely to teach in a seminary, university, or church setting, to publish, and to lead the strategies of missions or nonprofit organizations. To aid their professional development, in conjunction with the Center for Advanced Theological Studies (CATS), students learn about getting published and finding work. During their programs, CMR students can apply to work as Instructors in Training (IIT), shadowing members of faculty and learning academic life.


Together with the Center for Advanced Theological Studies (CATS), and in collaboration with Fuller’s leading Formation Vocation department, PhD and ThM in Intercultural Studies students are encouraged to integrate their academic learning with their spiritual life and their professional aspirations through coursework and group spiritual direction.



Each year the School of Mission and Theology hosts a conference during Fall quarter, for which CMR is responsible.

Join us for the 2024 Intercultural Studies Lectures on "Toward Respectful Understanding and Faithful Witness Among Muslims," October 16–18, 2024.

Explore the 2023 Missiology Lectures "From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Evangelism in a Post-Christendom Era" on FULLER Studio.


Below are a few examples of the publications and ongoing research generated by faculty, students, alumni, and research scholars of the CMR community. Click on any item for more information.

Current PhD Students

Alexis Busetti

Dave Datema

Tom Hale

Louis Kunāne Hillen

Austin Hussain

Rachel Jones

Lucy Kajidori

Alexander S Lee

Julie Lyons

Inha Paik

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