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Kyungwoon Min

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Mission History

BA, Sungkyunkwan University
MDiv, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS)
ThM, United Graduate School of Theology, Yonsei University
DMin, PUTS and McCormick Theological Seminary


Kyungwoon Min graduated from Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. He worked as a junior and high school teacher for five years. After he was ordained as a pastor, Dr. Min graduated from Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (hereafter PUTS) with a ThD degree. His dissertation topic was on missionary sending of the early Korean church to the island of Jeju and Shantung, China. He is senior pastor at Sungduck Presbyterian Church, Seoul. He was a member of the board of directors at Seoul Jangsin University. He also was an adjunct professor at PUTS, Seoul, Korea.


A Story of Jeju and Shantung Mission (Seoul: Kenosis Publication, 2015) (in Korean).

A History of the Early Missions of the Korean Presbyterian Church (Seoul: Kenosis Publication, 2019) (in English).