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Oscar Garcia Johnson
Amos Yong

School of Mission and Theology

Missional Application of Theological Expertise

This school’s faculty offer a broadly diverse community of mutual learning, engaging in research closely linked to practical application. Students learn from innovators like Amos Yong, a respected missiologist who brings expertise in the theologies of Pentecostalism, disability, and interfaith dialogue to his classroom.


School of Psychology

Leaders in Integration and Research

These scholars and practitioners deeply integrate theology with psychology throughout their teaching, support their students with informed clinical supervision, and participate in groundbreaking research. Miyoung Yoon Hammer shares a seasoned expertise in medical family therapy and cultivating self-understanding in therapists.

"The ones who wrote the books."

Students often say they come to Fuller to learn from “the ones who wrote the books” they’re already reading. Our outstanding faculty are leaders in their fields and among the world’s most published and influential scholars. They’re actively involved in varying forms of ministry and outreach, staying in touch with the needs of the church and world locally and globally. Whether in a physical classroom or online, our professors care about and invest themselves deeply in both the academic and spiritual formation of their students.

Our current faculty build upon the outstanding scholarship of our emeritus faculty, whose leadership continues to influence the church and its mission worldwide.

Regular Faculty

Alexis D. Abernethy

Jose Abraham

Jennifer Ackerman

Peter Altmann

Steven Argue

Chris Blumhofer

Senior Faculty

Leslie C. Allen

Jeffrey P. Bjorck

James E. Bradley

Mark Lau Branson

James T. Butler

J. Andrew Dearman

Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty

Fuller’s cadre of over 100 regular and senior faculty is supplemented by a number of highly qualified adjunct and affiliate faculty members who enrich our curriculum with their own areas of expertise.

International Faculty

As part of Fuller’s membership in the International Theological Consortium, Fuller students benefit from the expertise of faculty from schools in Columbia, Egypt, and the Philippines.

The following professors comprise our international faculty for the 2022–2023 academic year.

Atef Gendy

Meritt and Steve Sawyer International Affiliate Professor of New Testament

Athena Gorospe

Meritt and Steve Sawyer International Visiting Professor of Old Testament

J. Daniel Salinas

Meritt and Steve Sawyer International Affiliate Professor of Church History

weyerauesar awardThe C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Award

The C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Award is given annually to a Fuller Seminary faculty member for excellence in one of the following areas: Scholarship, Teaching, Church Development on Campus, Creativity in Academic Leadership, Integration, or Recognition by Peers. At Fuller’s Commencement, the award recipient is presented with a check for $2,500 and a calligraphic certificate of recognition.

The C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Award is given to a faculty member of one of Fuller’s schools on a rotating basis. To be eligible for nomination, a faculty member must be tenured or tenure-tracked, and must not have previously received the Weyerhaeuser Award. Faculty of that year’s school vote by a secret ballot, after which the school’s dean brings the top three nominees to the Faculty Senate for consideration and the final selection of the award recipient. The first runner-up receives a letter of recognition along with a prize of $500.

The Weyerhaeuser Award was instituted in 1977 to honor the service of C. Davis Weyerhaeuser as Chair of the Board of Trustees. He was an active member of Fuller’s board from 1959–1985.

The Bible and Women
Theology and Human Rights
Christian Muslim Dialogue
Therapy as Peacemaking
Race and Identity
Changing Missiology

Find Our Faculty on FULLER studio

Hear from Fuller’s faculty, read their writings, and explore their research on this site that offers an abundance of resources you can freely access for any use.