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Lisa Goods

Lisa M. Goods

Affiliate Assistant Professor of Preaching

BS in Finance, Pennsylvania State University
MDiv, McCormick Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry, Chicago Theological Seminary
PhD Candidate in African American Preaching & Sacred Rhetoric, Christian Theological Seminary


Lisa Maxine Goods is a scholar, pastor, preacher, chaplain, womanist, activist, and justice seeker. A PhD candidate at Christian Theological Seminary, her research involves womanist preaching as racial-gendered trauma-informed pastoral care. Her other academic interests include African American preaching, Black theology, rhetoric, pastoral care, and public theology. Dr. Goods has 15 years of pastoral experience and currently serves as the first female pastor in the 174-year history of the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio.


Contributing author of Preaching During a Pandemic: The Rhetoric of the Black Preaching Tradition, edited by Andre E. Johnson, Kimberly P. Johnson, Wallis C. Baxter III. New York: Peter Lang Publishing: 2023.

Sermon titled “Healing for the Soul.”

“Ending the Identity Crisis: Do You Know Him.” The African American Pulpit (Fall 2006).