Stephanie Trudeau
Affiliate Assistant Professor of School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy
AA, North Dakota State College of Science
BS, St. Cloud State University
MS, St. Cloud State University
PhD, University of Minnesota
Stephanie Trudeau serves as Affiliate Assistant Professor for the School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy program at Fuller Theological Seminary. Guided by a biopsychosocial/spiritual (BPSS) model and systems theories, her work aims to inform the intersection of families and health. The three primary areas which she aims to generate new knowledge and inform best-practices include: a) collaboration and integration of family therapy and family medicine (e.g., Medical Family Therapy, Integrated Behavioral Health, Collaborative Family Healthcare); b) engaging families and community in family health and wellbeing (e.g., caregiver wellbeing, family centered healthcare, spirituality and wellbeing); and c) resilient and thriving systems (e.g., provider burnout, interdisciplinary team wellbeing; Psychological First Aid, systemic interventions, community health initiatives, quality improvement, program development and evaluation). She resides in Minneapolis, MN with her husband and 3 children.
Kim, S.-H., King, P. E., & Trudeau, S. M. (2022). “Spirituality and meaning-making across contexts: Structural topic modeling of the Fetzer spirituality study in the United States.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/rel0000496
King, P. E., Baer, R. A., Noe, S. A., Trudeau, S., Mangan, S. A., & Constable, S. R. (2022). “Shades of Gratitude: Exploring Varieties of Transcendent Beliefs and Experience.” Religions, 13(11), 1091. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13111091
Berge, J., Smith, C., Trudeau, S., Trump, L., Walsh, C., Gilbertson, B., Kidd, E., Lownik, E., Pesch, E., Gathje, E., & Westby, A. (2020). “Using an interprofessional prenatal group care model to address disparities in pregnancy-related outcomes in a high-risk population in a family medicine residency clinic.” Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 18, [100300]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2019.100300
Williams-Reade, J., & Trudeau, S. (2018). “MedFTs in palliative and hospice care.” In T. Mendenhall, A. Lamson, J. Hodgson, & M. Baird (Eds.), Clinical Methods in Medical Family Therapy. Springer International Publishing.
Berge, J., Trump, L., Trudeau, S., Utržan, D., Mandrich, M., Slattengren, A., Wootten, M. (2017). Integrated care clinic: “Creating enhanced clinical pathways for integrated behavioral health care in a family medicine residency clinic serving a low-income, minority population.” Families, Systems, & Health, 35, 283-294. http://dx.doi.org.ezp1.lib.umn.edu/10.1037/fsh0000285