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Juneteenth: Faith & Freedom Screening

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Juneteenth: Faith & Freedom is a feature-length film that teaches and inspires about the cultural and spiritual significance of the holiday. On Thursday, February 15th from 7-9PM PST in Travis Auditorium at Fuller Theological Seminary we are excited to host a screening of the film and welcome some special guests!

  • Rasool Berry, Film Narrator

  • Ya’Ke Smith, Film Director

  • Mary Beth Minnis, Producer

  • RJ Marshall, Director of African American Ministries at Our Daily Bread Ministries.

Click HERE to Register 

Juneteenth Day reflects dynamic truths about faith and freedom, particularly relevant to the African American experience. The holiday was first celebrated in churches, revealing a deep connection between faith and freedom. The Scriptures teach of Jubilee (Leviticus 25), the time prescribed for justice and freedom to be restored throughout Israel. Jesus, in his inaugural sermon, announced that his kingdom would consummate God’s kingdom of righteousness and justice, through the church and throughout the world. When people are freed from injustice, Earth becomes a little more like Heaven.

February 15, 2024
Juneteenth: Faith & Freedom Screening
No registration required