Special Bay Area Event – Menlo Park, CA
The Fuller Center for Spiritual and Missional Formation
Menlo Church
You’re invited to New Year, New Rhythm: Rest, Reflect and Envision, a one-day gathering spiritual retreat lead by The Fuller Center for Spiritual and Missional Formation. Come experience a day of rest and reflection led by Rev. Dr. Brian Wallace, Executive Director & Rev. Erin Clifford, Director of Spiritual and Missional Formation.
Friday, January 11, 2019, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Menlo Church
950 Santa Cruz Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Register for this date here.
This day of spiritual retreat will include:
- Guided Individual and Communal Reflection on the year ahead
- Personal Retreat of Silence
- Q & A with The Fuller Center for Spiritual and Missional Formation on partnership building
- $25 Admission: lunch included!