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E. Trey Clark

Assistant Professor of Preaching and Spiritual Formation and Dean of Chapel

BA, Wheaton College
MA, Wheaton College Graduate School
MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary
PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

Courses Taught

PR551: Preaching and Spiritual Formation in the Local Church
PR550: Learning from Women Preachers
PR500: Introduction to Preaching and Worship
PR543: Preaching in Times of Crisis/Celebration
SF506: Vocational Formation in Seminary
SP559: African American Spirituality

Campus Affiliations

William E. Pannell Center for Black Church Studies


Lowell Berry Dean Scholarship (Fuller)
David Allan Hubbard Achievement Award (Fuller)
Parish Pulpit Fellowship (Fuller)
Merlin Call Scholarship (Fuller)
Cultura Fellow (Martin Institute)

Areas of Expertise

Preaching, spiritual formation, Black church studies, Christian spirituality, Howard Thurman

“Preaching begins with listening. Such listening, at the very least, involves carefully attending to God, the Scriptures, our neighbors, our inner lives, and the complex realities of the world around us. The Spirit often works through listening to deepen our formation, expand our imagination, and enrich our proclamation of the liberating and life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Trey Clark


E. Trey Clark joined Fuller’s faculty in 2021. Currently, he serves as dean of the chapel and assistant professor of preaching and spiritual formation. Previously, he was an adjunct instructor and vocation and formation group leader at Fuller.

Over the last 20 years, Dr. Clark has served in diverse ministry contexts throughout the US, most recently, in pastoral ministry in Southern California. An ordained minister, he serves on the pastoral team at his local church and enjoys walking alongside others as a spiritual companion and mentor. He has preached and/or lectured at several colleges, conferences, and churches in the US and abroad, including in Kenya, South Africa, and Costa Rica. His current research interests include preaching and spiritual formation; the history, theology, and practice of preaching, especially contemplative preaching; African American Christian spiritual traditions, especially Black contemplative spirituality; and Howard Thurman.

He holds degrees from Wheaton College and Fuller Seminary, where he completed his MDiv and PhD. As the recipient of the Parish Pulpit Fellowship, he also studied at the University of Pretoria, Universidad Bíblica Latinoamericana, and Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Additionally, he has been a visiting student in the PhD program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric at Christian Theological Seminary and a visiting scholar at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.

Dr. Clark is the author of Black Contemplative Preaching: A Hidden History of Prayer, Proclamation, and Prophetic Witness with Baylor University Press (2024). Additionally, he has published several peer-reviewed articles in journals, such as the International Journal of Homiletics, Homiletic, Witness, Worship, Liturgy, and Religions. He has also contributed to edited volumes, written numerous book reviews, and developed various practical resources for ministry leaders. He is a member of the American Academy of Religion, Academy of Homiletics, Societas Homiletica, Spiritual Directors of Color Network, and the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, where he serves on the board of directors. He also serves as cofounder and director of The Black Contemplative Society.

He lives in Southern California with his wife Dominique, an economic development consultant, and their daughter.

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