Payton Lectures
School of Theology
Travis Auditorium
The Self and Spirituality in Second Temple Judaism
April 3-4, 2019
In the centuries following the destruction of the state of Judah, significant changes occurred in the religious culture of early Judaism as the nation reconstituted itself. While considerable attention has been paid to the developing role of the Torah and the emergence of new forms of worship, less attention has been given to how new forms of spirituality encouraged the development of new ways of experiencing the self, especially in the culture of prayer. Guest lecturer, Prof. Carol A. Newsom will help us understand how these developments form a particularly important context for the emergence of early Christian understandings of the self and its relation to God.
The Payton Lectures are free and open the public. As space is limited, registration is strongly encouraged.
Schedule of Events:
Wednesday, April 3:
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: When the Problem Is Not What You’ve Done but Who You Are: The Changing Focus of Atonement
12:15 – 1:30 pm: Lunch and Conversations ($5)
Thursday, April 4:
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Constructing Landscapes of Interiority in Second Temple Judaism
This event will be livestreamed. Find the link here.